On our walk from Livinhac l’Haut to Figeac, we stopped for lunch at a small town along the way – Saint Félix. On the way into town, we passed a historical marker overlooking a field, but didn’t take time to investigate it. After a substantial lunch at what appeared to be the only restaurant in town, we continued our walk into Figeac.
Unexpectedly, Saint Félix came up again during our time in Figeac. Evidently, the citizens of southwestern France were active in resistance to the Nazis during WW II. There is a small museum in Figeac dedicated to the Resistance and the Deportation. The following news article, titled “The Horror at Saint Félix,” was displayed there:
It describes how, on May 12, 1944, the members of a young family, resting under an apple tree in a field neighboring Saint Félix, were obliterated by German soldiers who trained their 120 mm Howitzer on the tree and fired. “Only the debris of their bodies could be found.”
One of the functions of this museum, and others like it in the region, is to keep the memory of the Occupation and the Resistance alive. This particular story helped us feel a more direct connection to those times and that place and to understand in at least a small way the impact of the war and the occupation on this part of Europe.
Friday morning we spent in Figeac, and then we took the bus through the Valley of the Lot on to Cahors. (Rail service linking these two cities is frequent & inexpensive, but Friday was a strike day, so we took the bus – which was not affected.
We had breakfast at our hotel, then ambled around Figeac until 10:30, when the Musée Champollion opened. This is a French national museum named for the decipherer of the Rosetta Stone, Francois-Joseph Champollion, a native son of Figeac.
The museum collection and its interpretation of the development of writing, along with its varieties and technologies, are outstanding. Wikipedia has good coverage in English.
Exterior of the museum. Note the panels with characters from various scripts behind the window openings.
One unanticipated feature of the museum is a courtyard behind it paved with a giant-scale replica of the Rosetta Stone. We caught it after it had been freshly washed and before many people had walked in it:
And here’s an interesting door from the same neighborhood:
And a tower:
After a quick lunch, we walked to the train station to catch the bus for Cahors, which is west of Figeac about an hour and 30 minutes. Initially our route wound though the valley of the Célé (Figeac is on the Célé), but in time we found the road that adjoins the Lot. The river is wide and windy, and along most of it are stunning limestone cliffs rising steeply almost at the river’s edge. In a few places, space for the roadbed has been notched out of the base of the stone face, barely clearing the roofs of trucks and buses. (We returned to this area on Sunday, and will be sharing some photos then.)
On arriving at Cahors, we rented our car, checked into our hotel, and then set out on foot to explore.
Our hotel, near the SNCF station, is a short walk to the main drag of Cahors, and just beyond is the historic district. We stopped for a cup of tea and a sweet (tarte au citron) on a square near the St. Étienne church. While looking around, we noticed a yellow wooden framework perched high, connecting two trees — not a ropes course as we first thought, but a sculpture!
The church is surrounded by a commercial and residential neighborhood. The first reaction I had was of great solidity and stability. It’s a large structure that dominates one’s view, whether you’re close or not. It’s hard to pick the style. One interesting feature of the interior is a wall of contemporary stained glass windows.
View of St. Étienne Cathedral, Cahors, France.
Inside, the sanctuary enclosed an amazing amount of space. There are three domes on the roof. One is painted in a style that appears ancient.
Finally, we saw this sculpture in a plaza as we were approaching the church. There was no indication of the artist or title. It’s a powerful work:
We’ve made a major change in our itinerary. Originally, our plan had been to push on from Figeac to Corn, and from there to pick up the variant Pilgrimage route that leads through the Valley of the Célé river before coming to Cahors. After two days of walking in the rain, and a forecast calling for several more consecutive days of rain ahead, we decided to spend our last week in France not walking on the way to Santiago, but on shorter treks in and around towns and cities we want to explore further. We started today in Figeac, a modern commercial city with a well preserved medieval core.
The gite we stayed in last night was not available for a second night, so we have moved closer to the river and are staying in a hotel. After breakfast at our gite, we packed our bags and set out to explore the town. A visit to the tourism office yielded a map showing a walking tour of the city with a route to follow and marked sites to explore.
But first, a cup of coffee and a croissant! We looked into a cafe, only to find our Irish friend, Dorothea, who had walked in to Figeac that morning from a few kilometers away! So the three of us spent several hours together on the walking tour. We saw the church of St. Saveur; the church of Notre Dame du Puy; a half-way house, Germinal, named after a novel by Emile Zola; and a museum of the Resistance and memorial to the Deportation. In addition, we made plans to visit a museum of writing, named for Jean-François Champollion, a native son of Figeac, who translated the Rosetta Stone.
Here are some photos of what we saw:
This medieval building shows clearly how post-and-beam construction is used to frame buildings. The walls in this case are filled in with bricks.
This picturesque street/alley is typical of the appealing scenes that can be found in Figeac’s Medieval quarter.
View from the Puy (hill) at the top of the Medieval city (looking south towards the Célé river.
Interior of Nôtre Dame du Puy Church reflecting 17th century renovations.
Closer view of the painting above the altar. Appears to depict the assumption of Mary.
An interesting doorway.
Map on display at the museum of the Resistance & Deportation showing regions of France controlled by the Nazis and Free French during World War II. Evidently the people of the region we have been visiting were determined in their resistance.
The setting of our gîte as we left in the morning. There’s a lot of farming of produce for markets in this part of the valley of the Lot – thus the hoop houses. The proprietress of our gîte also has a small farm raising vegetables.
The church in Livinhac as we were leaving the town after buying sandwiches. 58 degrees F and drizzle.
Hills and fields on our way towards Figeac.
Chapel dedicated to Mary Magdalene. The group from Alsace gathered in the sanctuary to sing:
Double rainbow over the Célé at Figeac after dinner Wednesday evening. 🙂
Because of rain and the accompanying mud, to say nothing of the 24-ish km route, we took paved roads (they run near the trails) whenever we could. Still, it was great to get to Figeac!
Highlights of a long stage featuring rain for the last two hours or so.
Steep, long climb out of the valley of the Dourdou at Conques. About 45 minutes of climb. Equivalent of 90 floors or so.
Beautiful view of Conques from the shrine to Sainte Foy (on the climb out, about 2/3 of the way up).
I took photos of a couple of stained glass windows in the Refectory at Conques. They refer to St. Norbert, founder of the Premontrian Fathers, who manage the Abbey at Conques and, also, St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin.
Beautiful hills and fields as we walked along out of the Valley of the Dourdou and into the valley of the Lot once again.
Met a large group of Lutherans (20?) from Alsace, traveling with their pastor. Very friendly and included a couple of people who could speak English. They like to sing!
Lovely contemporary stained glass windows at a wayside chapel we passed.
Lovely dinner Friday evening with Hèlene (Normandie), Dorothea (Ireland), plus David and me. Dorothy is older than 80, so she has her bags forwarded from stage to stage and tends to forego gîtes in favor of hotels. We had dinner at her hotel and lovely conversation (in French and English) that lasted well into the evening.
Our proprietress, Anne, was a fount of words, very outgoing and full of information. We took advantage of her offer to do our laundry.
There were three people in our room. The third person was a French man from Poitiers, who had injured a tendon in his leg and could not continue walking. He also could not return home because of the train strike! How sad for him. We haven’t heard much positive comment about the strike from French people we’ve met. Consensus seems to be that SNCF has been mismanaged (hundreds of millions of Euros in debt), and that the reforms Macron has called for are necessary and appropriate.
Estaing, where we are staying, is the home of former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. The family château dominates the view of the city as one approaches from the pilgrim way and crosses the Lot over the old bridge into the city.
From the exceedingly pleasant environs of the Abbey, we set out on a bright, sunny morning in the next leg our our trek. We walked along trails at first (still wet in a few places) and then in back roads, generally staying near the banks of the Lot, which was swollen, Brown from mud, and running very fast.
The next town long the river was Espalion. Friday, we had learned the night before, is market day. We stopped for coffee and tarte aux fruits, sharing some fresh local cherries with a friend whom we had met along the sway. Before leaving, we bought two servings of paella from a vendor at the market, taking it along as our planned lunch.
Before setting off, we visited the famous church at Espalion, with its clocher flamme. If you look carefully in the photo below, you can see that the spire is twisted – quite beautiful.
Here, the twisting is more evident, as are the characteristic narrow streets of the old part of the city.
Here the brown water of the Lot is particularly apparent.
A few more kilometers along the way, and out of such close proximity to the river, we came to Bessuéjouls, basically a crossroads. Before having lunch, we visited a small church dedicated to St. Peter. The small sanctuary was unremarkable, but up a dark, narrow, and steep stone staircase was a stunning Romanesque chapel. Here are a few photos:
Next stop: Lunch, at a café where they not only allowed us to eat our pre-bought meal (for the price of a soda), but allowed us the use of spoons so we would not have to eat our paella with our fingers!
Leaving Bessuéjouls, we encountered a steep and challenging uphill slog on our way to Estaing. Once again the track was muddy and the climb unrelieved.
In time, we made our way to Estaing, after one more break and serious moaning about the length of the stage and the challenges. In part, we learned, the challenges are related to Estaing’s location at the far tip of a meander in the Lot, meaning one walks both around the curve and over the hill that separates the two sides of the U. My phone indicates that we walked 13.6 miles and climbed the equivalent of 42 floors today.
Here’s the view across the muddy Lot as we approached Estaing: